Take advantage of 45° corner and concave-convex's principle but become, can Arbitrary commutation combination's mark the price, left convex, right convex average printable. Fitting be used for cosmetic, perfume, high-quality goods' general merchandise, shopwindow display, stationery, handicraft kind of.

Take advantage of 45° corner and concave-convex's principle but become, can Arbitrary commutation combination's mark the price, left convex, right convex average printable. Fitting be used for cosmetic, perfume, high-quality goods' general merchandise, shopwindow display, stationery, handicraft kind of.

Copper material gild L type, advanced sense thorough, plastic combine piece of can Arbitrary commutation, display zhi display rack from now on can not have remain zhi paste paper glue in space, add paper card illustrate commodity zhi model or introduction. Fitting be used for communication's equipment, optical instrument, liquor, antique's china's artistic ethics.

As clothes not adapt to needle insert or frighten make dirty, but and need clearness' mark the price. Then can choose honourable generous stand style flat type combine price tag, there is four big L baking varnish's version and 12 group oves aluminium alloy shell, much display costume princely generous. (patent: 110809& superadditions) be used for communication's equipment, optical instrument, liquor, antique's china's artistic ethics. (patent: 110809& superadditions)

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